Press Release, Kuala Lumpur. Have you ever realised that we spend more time with our colleagues than our family or friends? Eight hours a day, five days a week – and yet, most of us don’t know each other as well as we’d like. In a recent survey commissioned by Guinness, Malaysia’s favourite stout1, more than 85% of young working adults said they’d like to get to know their colleagues and friends better – and Guinness has the solution with the launch of ‘Guinness Time’.
With a series of promotions and activations taking place from September until November, Guinness Time is aimed at encouraging drinkers to go out not only with their friends, but with their colleagues too after work and turn their workmates into their #workfam. Throughout the month of September, bars and pubs across the country saw a special deal on Guinness Draught – buy one set and get another Guinness free – perfect for sharing!
In support of the campaign, Guinness roving teams have taken it to the streets in Klang Valley, Ipoh, Johor and Penang, challenging groups of colleagues on how well they really know each other. Those who got the answers right have been rewarded with vouchers for free pints of Guinness – while those who got them wrong also received vouchers, so they could get to know each other better over a drink!
“Guinness Time is based around a simple concept – walls come down when pints are raised. Sharing an after-work drink with friends and colleagues is one of the best ways to get to know each other, once laptops are shut and everyone can put thoughts of work behind them for the day. With the range of promotions and activities lined up over the next few months, there will be plenty of reasons for drinkers to enjoy Guinness Time – whether it’s with their colleagues, friends or family.” said Archana Sridhara, Marketing Manager - Guinness & Diageo Brands at HEINEKEN Malaysia.
The Guinness Time fun continues throughout October, with a series of parties taking place in bars and pubs across Peninsular Malaysia. Featuring promotions, music, entertainment and specially-curated food to pair with Guinness, these ‘Guinness Time’ sessions will give consumers even more reasons to connect with colleagues and friends after work. Check out the participating outlets here.
In addition, there will be another promotion in effect for the whole month of October – consumers purchasing two sets of Guinness will receive an exclusive, limited-edition Guinness t-shirt free-of-charge. There are three designs to collect, so be sure to be on the lookout!
Come November, Guinness lovers will have even more to look forward to, with the Guinness ‘Flavour by Fire’ food festival. This will pair the flavour of roasted barley, which gives Guinness its distinctive look and taste, with rich flavours of roasted meat for an unforgettable culinary experience. More details are set to be revealed in the coming weeks.
To find out more about Guinness Time over the next few months, visit
(吉隆坡10月2日讯)你有没有发现,其实我们与同事相处的时间比亲朋好友还长?一周上班五天,每天八小时,然而,我们大多数人对同事却不甚了解。根据马来西亚深受欢迎的啤酒品牌1健力士(Guinness)日前所进行的一项调查显示, 超过85%的职场年轻人表示,他们想了解同事和友人多一点,因此健力士推出 “Guinness Time” 活动,让他们与同事和好友有更多欢聚一堂的理由。
今年9月至11月,Guinness Time 将透过各种促销优惠和宣传活动,鼓励大家不只是与好友共聚,也要在下班后与同事们举杯畅饮,把他们视为手足(#workfam)。今年9月,全马各地的酒吧和酒馆率先推出健力士生啤(Guinness Draught )买一套送一杯 的特别优惠,这是与友好共享啤酒的最佳时机!
马来西亚喜力有限公司健力士和帝亚吉欧(Guinness & Diageo )品牌营销经理Archana Sridhara 说:“Guinness Time秉持着‘举杯畅饮、友情拉近’的理念。下班后与同事或好友开怀畅饮是互相了解的最佳时候,因为大家在关上电脑后,便能把公事置之脑后。在接下来的几个月即将推出的促销优惠和活动,无论是同事或亲友,大家将会有更多欢聚在一起开怀畅饮,欢度Guinness Time的理由。”
今年10月,西马半岛各地的酒吧和酒馆将举办各种派对来迎接Guinness Time。届时,Guinness Time 将会推出各种促销优惠,带来各种音乐、娱乐及精心设计的美酒佳肴活动,让一众同事和好友在下班后有更多欢聚的理由。欲知参与活动的酒吧和酒馆,请点击这里。
此外,10月份还会推出另一项优惠 —— 凡购买两杯健力士啤酒的消费者将获赠一件限量版的健力士T-恤。共有三款设计供选,万勿错失良机!
接下来的11月,还会有更多精彩活动等着健力士啤酒的爱好者,比如说健力士的 Flavour by Fire美食嘉年华。这场活动将把健力士啤酒源自烘烤麦芽的口味和色泽与香味浓郁的烧肉搭配在一起,创造难忘的美酒佳肴盛宴。更多详情将于近期内公布。
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