Tiger Beer, Malaysia’s No. 1 Beer, wants to start a conversation about a pressing issue, yet not often spoken about, among Malaysians – why are we so afraid to follow our dreams? It is no secret that many people feel pressured into careers by the expectations of family and society, and financial concerns can stop us from taking a risk. However, with a recent survey showing that 70% of Malaysians weren’t happy in their current jobs, is it time to awaken our courage?
With this in mind, Tiger Beer is seeking to inspire Malaysians to pursue their dreams with its Uncage campaign, by showcasing the stories of three local heroes who have challenged societal norms to pursue their passion. As food plays such an important role in Malaysian life, the three courageous individuals chosen have each pursued their passion for cooking in the face of other expectations.
These uncaged heroes – Im Cheah, Jun Chan, and Herukh Jethwani - have challenged conventions and culinary expectations with their innovative dishes. Each has chosen to leave behind more traditional career paths in order to pursue their passion: Im, a former creative director at an advertising agency is now a full-time ‘baconist’, Jun’s love of soul food won out over his studies in Mechanical Engineering, while Herukh refused to play it safe, creating dishes which challenge everything you know about Indian cuisine. Their unique stories have been captured via a brand film launched today by Tiger Beer on their official website and social media platforms here.
“Courage lies at the heart of Tiger Beer’s identity. As a brand, we believe that everyone has a tiger inside – you just have to find it. We want to show how all it takes is a dream and the passion to follow what you love to create something extraordinary. We hope that through our Uncage platform, the real and honest experiences of our heroes can inspire Malaysians to cultivate their passion, whatever that may be, even if that means challenging what society expects of u,.” said Pearly Lim, Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer Malaysia.
Starting now until 2nd December, Tiger Beer fans who wish to be part of this Uncage campaign can partake in an online quiz named ‘Find Your Tiger’, to find out which of the six different tiger personalities they represent. That is not all - foodies can be sure to expect a delicious treat coming up specially for them in December, including special dishes created by the talented uncaged heroes, so be on the lookout for more updates.
For more information on the Tiger Uncage campaign and to watch the campaign video, visit, or Fans who wish to participate in the ‘Find Your Tiger’ online quiz, can visit to get their customized Tiger Beer bottle labels.
Im Cheah
Bacon It
Born and raised in Penang, Im learned a lot about strength and hard work from her mother. Her mother cut hair for a living, and with the RM3 per haircut she earned, she managed to support Im’s fees for her degree. Looking back at her childhood, Im distinctly remembers being at a piano exam and her father left her with the words ‘you can’t fail because its expensive’ – so, she worked hard and became a successful Art Director.
Im’s love for food started off as a hobby. On the weekends, she would make popcorn for fun. The fear of leaving her job with a comfortable salary put her passion on the sideline - that was until her brother was diagnosed with cancer. In his final hours, he spoke of regrets, prompting Im to rethink her path in life. So, Im took a leap of faith, leaving behind a stable career in advertising, and ventured into the food industry to pursue her love of good, homemade food. And most importantly, bacon.
Im and her husband were not trained chefs. They experimented with different kinds of food, and dabbled in baking, only selling their creations to close friends. And so, Bacon It was born – with Im refocusing her creative energies into crafting innovative bacon and alcohol-infused treats which defy culinary expectations. Im wants to share goodness through her delicious snacks and desserts. She believes that doing one good thing will create a ripple effect. With that positivity, she aims to start a movement to spread more joy in this world, a small bacon bit at a time.
Im took a leap of faith, leaving behind a stable career in advertising, and ventured into the food industry to pursue her love of good, homemade food.
And so Bacon It was born – with Im refocusing her creative energies into crafting innovative bacon and alcohol-infused treats which defy culinary expectations. All the bacon is smoked and cured onsite, before being turned into delicious snacks and desserts including popcorn, cupcakes, and cookies.
Herukh Jethwani
Meat the Porkers
Herukh’s father, a lawyer, told him as a child not to follow in his footsteps, but to be ‘something more interesting’. So, Herukh spent his childhood at their family restaurant, a floor below his father’s law firm - this sparked his passion for food and the business.
In order to run his own restaurant someday, his father advised him to hone his cooking skills if he ever wanted to run a restaurant. Eventually after high school, Herukh decided that it was time to pursue his real passion. So, he went to University to study Culinary Arts, earning himself a degree in Hospitality & Tourism from The University De Toulouse in France. During this time Herukh would go to his family restaurant every evening after his classes, just to be in the heat of things and polish up on his operational skills.
One day, Herukh went to the seafood market to buy produce for the day and saw Lobsters available. He decided to try his hand at making Lobster Biryani proving to be one of the best mistakes Herukh had made. After failing at making the dish multiple times, he finally got it right, and it was a hit. This inspired him to make his infamous Siew Yoke Biryani dish, which he later began to sell from his home. Much to his surprise, people loved his delicacy. Herukh took a chance, and Meat the Porkers came to life.
In its opening week, business was extremely slow and Herukh questioned himself over and over again whether opening Meat The Porkers was a wise decision. Then, an elderly journalist showed up at his restaurant, critical of his dishes, and for his bold move of opening a pork-based restaurant. He, however, swayed her opinion through his dishes. She published an article on his restaurant and days later, his restaurant was at full capacity. In a state of panic one evening when the restaurant was full, he frantically asked his wife to close shop in all the frenzy. She served him a Tiger Beer, and told him to ‘shut up and handle it, you got it!’
Today, Herukh owns multiple restaurants famed for intriguing dishes which are at the forefront of the Malaysian culinary scene. His wide array of creations put a modern Malaysian twist on Indian cuisine, from Hyderabadi Dum Biryani to Indian tapas.
After his degree in Hospitality & Tourism, Herukh decided that it was time to pursue his real passion: food. Herukh went back to school – this time to study Oenology (the study of wine and winemaking) at the University de Toulouse in France.
Today, Herukh owns multiple restaurants famed for intriguing dishes which are at the forefront of the Malaysian culinary scene. His wide array of creations put a modern Malaysian twist on Indian cuisine, from Hyderabadi Dum Biryani to Indian tapas. Arguably, the most well-known is the innovative Siew Yoke Biryani at Meat the Porkers – a dish which challenges conventions of both cuisines and creates something truly unique.
Jun Chan
Bowls of Steel
Jun wanted to be the first Malaysian astronaut as a child. Instead, he pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering in the United States. While overseas, his father - a pilot -had a layover in the US, so he paid him a visit. While they were at the hotel, Jun’s father realised that his son had no idea how to cook rice, so, he taught him how to.
Jun was homesick and missed Malaysian food. So, he called his mother, and over the phone, he learned the recipes to his favourite local dishes. With these recipes, Jun began to cook. He was good at what he did and a girl he was dating convinced him to take it up as a full time job, which he did, much to his parents’ worry. This created tension in the family, as his sister, who was the star of the family, was a doctor. His parents believed in practicality and security – to them, being a chef was not that. Yet, still followed his dream and went to London to be a chef.
Finally, Jun received his acknowledgement. He invited his parents to London at the restaurant he was working at, and they were convinced. With this newfound support and through the illustrious culinary journey abroad, Jun returned to Malaysia to share his vision of soul-food, blending it with local street food favorites.
Jun’s current passion is his Malaysianised ramen bar, Bowls of Steel. Expect to see pan mee-ramen-poke style hybrid bowls, and dishes like Eggplant Belacan Tempeh Ramen on the menu. Jun aims to share his vision, with a local twist, pushing the boundaries of what the local food scene has to offer. His philosophy on his culinary journey is that plans always collapse, but what is most important is living in the moment because things will happen when the time is right.
Jun earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering in the United States, and while there discovered his love for cooking. After setting out on an illustrious culinary journey abroad, he returned to Malaysia to share his vision of soul-food, blending it with local street food favourites.
Jun’s current passion is his Malaysianised ramen bar, Bowls of Steel. Expect to see pan mee-ramen-poke style hybrid bowls, and dishes like Eggplant Belacan Tempeh Ramen on the menu. Jun aims to share his vision, with a local twist, pushing the boundaries of what the local food scene has to offer. Thank you for reading! We are currently expanding our reach in South East Asia to bring more for your next leisurely consideration. Our media team does media coverage for a wide variety of topics, ranging from Lifestyle events, HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe) reviews, Upcoming Clubs and Product launches. Our other interests also include but are not limited to dance, fitness, movies, technology and photography. Please subscribe to our facebook page. If you would like to get in touch with us, please contact us via email at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].