Sama-Sama Express KLIA2

Sama-Sama Express KLIA2 is a transit hotel located in Sepang, within the satellite building of the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (KLIA2). It operates a 24-hour front desk and offers complimentary WiFi access.
Sama-Sama Express KLIA2
L/3- Satellite Building KLIA2,
Airport Terminal, KLIA, Sepang
64000 Selangor Malaysia
Phone: 03-8775 6600
The strategic location of Sama-Sama Express KLIA2 allows guests to check-in the hotel without having to clear Malaysian Customs and Immigration if they are on a layover between international flights. All check-In luggage cannot be retrieved if you stay in the transit hotel.
During our layover in KL, we had a short stay of 6 hours in Sama Sama Express KLIA2 before catching our next flight to Melbourne.
The room was huge and equipped with all the amenities we needed. The Crabtree and Evelyn toiletries was definitely something that we enjoyed much.
Fast Food Chain available around the hotel level: McDonald, Burger Kings, Gloria Jeans, Food Court coming soon and etc.
Fast food price same as KL but no promotion of value meal available here. McD Bubur (RM4.40), Orange Juice (RM4.35), McNuggets (RM6.65) and Strawberry Sundae (RM3.45)
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