Fonterra Pastry Challenge in MACAU
During the event, the 18 finalist chefs, ’battled’ a three hour concentration-filled competition, making mouthwatering cakes and beautiful art within their baking. This year’s theme “Spice It Up” required the 9 finalists to harmonized herbs and spices to produce two identical cakes that showcased the characteristics of their chosen herbs and spices as main ingredients for their masterpiece along with Anchor UHT Full Cream Milk, Anchor Cream Cheese, Anchor Whipping Cream, and Anchor Butter.
This year’s winners were:
Champion, Gold award – IFT, Institute for Tourism Studies, cake name Rouge
Silver award- Grand Hyatt Macau , cake name Sichuan Temptation
Bronze award- Sheraton Macao hotel, cake name Taste Of Autumn
Angliss Excellence Award was presented to- Banyan Tree, cake name “Burning Your Heart”
Gold Winner
Gold Award winner described their cake as Madagascar chocolate cake with dried chili, mixed spice, passion fruit and blood orange curd. Rouge comprises of various flavors and layers which takes your palate to an extraordinary journey.
Silver Winner
Distinguished representatives from Fonterra Management, Angliss Management, Media and fellow contestants of this event judged this Angliss Excellence Award. “Angliss Excellence” is awarded to a winning chef by having the judges vote for the excellent cake.
Broze Winner
In addition to prize money, Gold, Silver and Bronze Award winners will receive a complimentary pastry training course conducted by the prestigious Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (M.O.F).The finalists were shortlisted from a number of entries and selected through a straight selection procedure. We congratulate all those selected, Banyan Tree, Cakez Café, City of Dreams, Galaxy Macau Resort Hotel, Grand Hyatt Macau, Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), Sheraton Macao Hotel and Wynn Macau.
Angliss Excellence Award
The event had the full support and endorsement of the Institute for Tourism and Studies (IFT) & The Macau Culinary Association. Also it comprised in the panel of renowned judges pastry chefs, such as Jean Francois Arnaud M.O.F., Mr. Danny Ho – Executive Pastry Chef of Hotel Icon , Roger Luk Pastry Chef of Disneyland Resort Hong Kong and Gregoire Michaud Founder of Bread Elements for this well-recognized competition.近年盛行以香草與香料入饌,特別是用於糕點製作中,味道將會更香濃,口味也更精緻;而把香草和香料運用得恰到好處,更能彰顯烘焙師的創意與功架. 連續第三年舉辦的【澳門區恆天然烘焙大賽】再次回應需求捲土重來,為本地專業烘焙師提供了一個很好的發展平台以獲得行業內的知名度.【澳門區恆天然烘焙大賽】已於9月22日(星期一)上午10時在澳門旅遊學院舉行。是次活動於澳門旅遊學院舉行,為專業烘焙師及食品鑑賞家等提供了互相交流廚藝及心得的平台,亦藉此表彰傑出烘焙師嘅創意和技藝。「恒天然餐飲部」透過嚴格的比賽和具挑戰性的研討會以致力於提供廚師有機會發展他們的技能。
活動期間,18位進入決賽的廚師將集中地 “作戰” 三個小時的競爭賽,在他們的烘烤下製造出令人垂涎及賞心悅目的蛋糕。
今年的比賽主題為【Spice It Up】,要求最後進入決賽的9隊烘焙師以其所選用香草及香料的和諧配搭,並配以由恆天然提供安佳忌廉、忌廉芝士、牛奶及牛油製作出兩個相同的蛋糕(一個作評審用,另一個作展示用);兩個蛋糕都充分表達出參賽者所選用香草及香料的特性。
金獎:旅遊學院 (IFT), 糕餅名稱-Rouge
銀獎:澳門君悅酒店, 糕餅名稱-Sichuan Temptation
銅獎:澳門喜來登酒店, 糕餅名稱-Taste of Autumn
而"安得利優秀獎"由悅榕莊獲得, 糕餅名稱-Burning Your Heart
除獎金外,金、銀、銅的得獎者將獲贈由著名法國工藝大師Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (M.O.F) 教授的糕點培訓課程。
而決賽選手是通過數次的直接甄選程序而入圍。我們祝賀所有的入圍選手,包括悅榕莊、Cakez Café、澳門新濠天地、澳門銀河度假村酒店、澳門君悅酒店、旅遊學院( IFT )、澳門喜來登酒店及澳門永利。
大會今年繼續獲得澳門旅遊學院及澳門廚藝協會的大力支持。此外,亦成功邀得響譽業界的烘焙師為此眾所周知的大賽擔任評審,包括法國工藝大師(M.O.F) 的Mr. Jean Francois Arnaud、唯港薈的行政糕餅總廚的何維城先生、香港迪士尼樂園度假區的糕餅廚師陸繼光先生和Bread Elements 的創辦人Gregoire Michaud。
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