Malindo Air to KL for Sinusitis Surgery @ Sunway Medical Centre

I would say, Malindo Air is my most prefer airline to fly from KK-KL-KK. I like their comfortable seat with good legroom, variety of inflight entertainment, moderate service from the flight attendant and light snack provided (mineral water and biscuit) which is great for a short-hauled flight, no worries if you are hungry, you can still purchase food on board. It has a nice and simple interior design, great and calm lighting mood. I would highly recommended you try this airline, you'll have a 15kg free check-in baggage and please bring your own ear phone if you don't want to spend RM15 to purchase it on board. This trip I'm going for Sinusitis Surgery under Dr. Koay Cheng Eng (ENT Specialist) at Sunway Medical Centre, checking in tomorrow morning 7am (16th Jan 2014, Thursday).
Malindo is not only a Low Cost carrier but also an airline that provides superior products and services. Extra legroom 32” seat pitch and Free In-flight Entertainment.
Bought this dress for Chinese New Year from Flying Nomad Boutique only available at the airport.
On board entertainments
Comfortable seat
Admission Counter
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Functional endoscopic sinus surgery can open up your sinuses, it won’t leave any scars, you can often have the surgery and go home from hospital the same day, operation can be done under general or local anaesthesia and it usually takes about 1-3 week to make a full recovery.
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Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) treats persistent sinusitis (inflammation of your sinuses). A surgeon will put a narrow, flexible, tube-like telescopic camera into your nose and use special instruments to unblock your sinuses.
Your sinuses are air-filled spaces in your cheekbones, forehead and between your eyes, that connect to your nose. Sinusitis is an inflammation of your sinuses. When this happens, the lining of your sinuses swells and mucus can't drain away properly, which can cause infection, pain and a blockage in your nose. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is designed to open up and unblock your sinuses. It can also remove a blockage, for example a polyp (nasal polyps are fleshy swellings of the lining of your nose).
Most people with sinusitis are successfully treated with medicines, which include antibiotics, decongestants and steroids. You normally only need surgery if medicines haven’t worked for you.
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is usually done under general anaesthesia. This means you will be asleep during the operation. However, you can also have the operation done under local anaesthesia, which completely blocks pain from your nose and sinuses and you will stay awake during the operation. If you're having the operation under local anaesthesia, you may be offered a sedative to help you relax.
If you're having a general anaesthetic, you will be asked to follow fasting instructions. This means not eating or drinking, typically for about six hours beforehand. However, it’s important to follow your anaesthetist’s advice.
At the hospital your nurse may check your heart rate and blood pressure, and test your urine.
You will need to rest until the effects of the anaesthetic have passed. You may need pain relief to help with any discomfort as the anaesthetic wears off.
After a local anaesthetic it may take several hours before the feeling comes back into your face. Take special care not to bump or knock the area.
Your nurse will give you some advice about caring for your healing wounds before you go home. You may be given a date for a follow-up appointment.
You will usually be able to go home when you feel ready. If you go home the same day of your operation and had a general anaesthetic or sedative, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home. Try to have a friend or relative stay with you for the first 24 hours after your operation.
General anaesthesia and sedation temporarily affects your co-ordination and reasoning skills, so you must not drive, drink alcohol, operate machinery or sign legal documents for 24 hours afterwards. If you're in any doubt about driving, contact your motor insurer so that you're aware of their recommendations, and always follow your surgeon’s advice.
It usually takes about a week to make a full recovery from functional endoscopic sinus surgery, but this varies between individuals, so it's important to follow your surgeon's advice.
If you need pain relief, you can take over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (please check if you're allergy to any of this medication)
It's normal for your nose to feel blocked after functional endoscopic sinus surgery and this can last for a few weeks. Don't blow your nose for the first 48 hours after your operation. Your surgeon will tell you when you can start to gently blow your nose. You may notice some mucus or blood-stained fluid coming from your nose for up to two weeks after your operation but this is normal.
It’s important to stay away from dusty and smoky environments while you recover.
Most people are able to go back to work between one and two weeks after functional endoscopic sinus surgery. If you lift or carry heavy objects as part of your job, you're likely to be off work for at least two weeks. Your surgeon will talk to you about the best time to return to work.
Side-effects of functional endoscopic sinus surgery include: mild pain, blocked nose, bruising around your eyes, blood-stained fluid or mucus from your nose
Complications are when problems occur during or after the operation. The possible complications of any operation include an unexpected reaction to the anaesthetic or excessive bleeding.
The main complications of functional endoscopic sinus surgery are listed below:
- You may have a small amount of bleeding from your nose, which isn’t usually serious. If this happens, you may need to have packing in your nose.
- Your sinuses are close to your eye sockets and sometimes functional endoscopic sinus surgery can cause a small amount of bleeding into your socket. This is usually mild and causes a bruise. Occasionally the bleeding can be more severe and cause your eye to swell or give you double vision. If you blow your nose, it can make the bleeding worse. It’s also possible that bleeding into your eye or damage to your eye can permanently damage your eyesight but this is very rare – ask your surgeon for more information.
- Your sinuses are very close to the bone at the bottom of your brain. Very rarely this bone can be damaged during the operation, which can cause fluid from your spinal column to leak out. If this happens, you may need another operation to repair it.
Please refer to
Cost of Sinusitis Surgery RM6000 (not including the wad/ room, toiletries and after surgery medication). Total paid around RM6500 + follow up appointment RM135 and above each visit
Checked in 7am and Appointment for Sinusitis Surgery at 2pm
Toiletries RM20++
Single Deluxe Room, RM238++ per night
After Surgery still under anaesthesia
Please refer to
Home Care Instructions After Sinus Surgery
You have had sinus surgery and will need to take it easy for a few days as your sinuses heal. Please follow these instructions for the next few days, or until your doctor tells you otherwise.
Prop your head with several pillows when lying down or sleeping. You will have less swelling and will feel more comfortable if you keep your head elevated. Continue this for the first week after surgery.
Avoid strenuous activities (such as heavy lifting) and activities that involve repeated bending over (such as loading a dishwasher). Bending over and strenuous activities put pressure on your nose and sinuses and can cause increased swelling and possibly more bleeding.
Change the gauze drip pad under your nose as needed. Bloody drainage from the nose is common. If the gauze becomes soaked with blood and needs to be changed more often than every 15 minutes, call your doctor. Over the next several days, the bleeding will gradually stop and you will have some drainage of mucus. You do not need to wear a drip pad if you do not have drainage.
Hint: To avoid irritating your cheeks when applying and removing tape from the drip pad, place a 2-inch piece of tape on each cheek as a base. Apply the tape from the drip pad to the tape on your cheek. When you change the drip pad, remove the top piece of tape only. Do not remove the tape from your cheek.
If your doctor recommends it, you may use a saline (salt water) nasal spray three to five times a day, whether or not you have nasal packing. If you do not have packing, a saline nasal spray will help prevent hard scabbing. If you have nasal packing, using saline spray regularly keeps the packing moist. This will help reduce pain when the packing is removed. Saline nasal sprays can be purchased over the counter or made at home. To make a saline solution, boil 1 cup of water and let it cool. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
Do not blow your nose for five to seven days after surgery, unless your doctor says you may. Do not insert anything into your nose. If you must sneeze, open your mouth and sneeze naturally.
If you have nasal packing, your doctor may remove it several hours after surgery or up to seven days after surgery. Removing the packing is usually uncomfortable. To reduce discomfort, take your prescribed medication for pain an hour before your appointment. You will need someone to drive you to and from your first appointment after surgery, when the packing is removed. You should be able to drive yourself to any other follow-up appointments.
It probably will take a few weeks following surgery to get all your energy back. Take it easy and try not to tire yourself. Try to pamper yourself. Usually you can return to work five to seven days following surgery, but check with your doctor first. You may need a longer recovery period if your job involves strenuous activity or exposure to irritating fumes
Take your pain medication and antibiotics as prescribed (not all patients receive antibiotics after their operations). If your medications cause nausea or other side effects, call your doctor.
If you had a Caldwell-Luc procedure, you will have an incision in your mouth above your canine teeth. You probably will have some numbness in your cheek. Numbness is usually temporary; sensation should return over the next few months.
The tip of your nose and your upper lip and gums may be numb. Sensation may return fully in a few weeks or not for several months.
Your sense of smell will decrease after surgery, especially if you have nasal packing. It may take up to three months for the sense of smell to return. Patients who had little or no sense of smell before surgery may not have any sense of smell after surgery.
It is important to keep your mouth clean. Rinse your mouth with salt water or a non alcohol mouthwash after each meal and before bedtime. Brush your teeth gently with a toothbrush that has soft bristles. During the first 24 hours after surgery, you may prefer to wipe your teeth gently with a clean, damp washcloth instead of brushing.
Drink plenty of liquids and eat a well balanced diet. If you have stitches in your mouth, eat a soft diet and avoid hot foods and liquids until your mouth is more comfortable.
Do not drink alcohol for 10 days after surgery. Alcohol may increase congestion, and it may be harmful if you are taking medication.
Do not smoke for 24 hours after surgery. Then check with your doctor.
When to call the doctor?
Call your doctor immediately if any of the following occurs:
The drip pad becomes soaked with blood and needs to be changed more often than
every 15 minutes.
- You have increased swelling or redness.
- Your temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above.
- You have pain that is not relieved by your medication.
- Your medication causes nausea or other side effects.
- Call your doctor to schedule a follow-up appointment.
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Dinner: Chicken Rice after surgery, not hot food, must cold it down first cause nose still bleeding
Breakfast, waiting for doctor clearance to check out
Starbucks is available here
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This blog post is all aboiut the pharmaceutical health centers.These are leading a main role in health care.Thank you so much...
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