Fengjia Night Market @ Taichung

Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市) is a night market in Xitun District, Taichung, Taiwan. The market is located next to Feng Chia University and is well-known as the largest night market in Taiwan.

Taiwan is known for its vibrant night market full of street food and unique retail gems and I can ensure you that Fengjia Night Market is one of it.

Especially during weekend and holidays, Fengjia Night Market is usually crowded with youngsters. You can find a wide variety of Taiwanese snacks, drinks, novelties and fashion goods at prices that are supposed to be more affordable than the night markets in Taipei.

The famous Da Chang Bao Xiao Chang

Costing about NT$40, the Da Chang Bao Xiao Chang 大腸包小腸 is barbequed on the spot, topped up with lettuce, salted vegetables. The Da Chang (big sausage) is made from glutinous rice, form into a sausage-like shape while the Xiao Chang (small sausage) consist of a sweetish flavour's pork sausage. You can choose your own preference flavours from original to spicy, garlic, black pepper and wasabi, and I would suggest taking the garlic flavour for the most aromatic taste with lots of garlic being added.

Street food along the night market

Bear Paw Burger Stall

When buying the Bear Paw Burger, there are 3 steps you need to follow;
Firstly, you choose the sauce,Second, you choose the meat patty,
And lastly, you choose the bun flavour.
For us, we chose black pepper sauce with chicken patty and milk bun. The patty was so crispy on the outside while juicy inside and its black pepper sauce brings a savoury and mild peppery flavour to the burger. Its bun was slightly sweetish, soft and delicious.

Xiao A Cheese Potato is another famous stall in the night market, judging by the queue. It consist of baked potato topped with your favourite type of toppings (we chose sweet corn as topping), and finally drowned in melted cheese sauce. It was a sinful yet very delicious snack we couldn't resist ourselves from eating.

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Great post on Feng Jia Night Market! Do check out our post on what to eat at Feng Jia Night Market as well!
Happy Travels Everyone!