Yong Yong @ Damai

Yong Yong is a newly opened cafe serving Chinese and fusion cuisine in Damai. Located right next to Coffee Bean, the bright and simple setting of the cafe is easily spotable by the roadside.

Yong Yong
Location: Next to Coffee Bean in Damai

Kit Chai Drink RM3.00 per glass

Stewed Pork with Rice RM7.00
A simple Stewed Pork Rice Set comes with a single serving of Stewed Pork, a bowl of Soup-of-the-day and a serving of rice. The savoury with slightly sweetish flavour of the Stewed Pork made it a nice dish to be eaten with rice.

Wantan Noodle RM8.50
Wantan made from fresh and succulent prawn was delicious in taste. Served with springy egg's noodle in soup or dry style, it was a satisfying meal. Each bite of the wantan consisted of juicy and sweet-savoury flavour which was irresistible.

Pandan Puding RM3.00

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