Mrs.Malaysia Planet & Mrs.Elite Malaysia International 2013 "Beauties of Today's Women"

Pageants for married women were unheard over a decade ago. Today, they are relevant tour our rapidly. Women strive for beauty in the past and over the years, we prove that modern women are now someone who are more self-driven, independent and career motivated.

DATE : 14.04.2013
VENUE : Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel

GROUP A (age 27-40) Mrs. Malaysia Planet 2013
Mrs. Most Talented
Mrs. Fitness
Mrs. Most Beautiful Skin
Mrs. Most Confident
Mrs. Congeniality
Mrs. Photogenic
Mrs. Friendship
GROUP B (age 41-65) Mrs. Elite Malaysia International 2013
Mrs. Most Talented
Mrs. Most Courageous
Mrs. Perfect Figure
Mrs. Gracious
Mrs. Charming
Mrs. Photogenic
Mrs. Most Popular
Hadiah-hadiah untuk para pemenang adalah.....
Prize for Champion : Mrs Malaysia Planet & Mrs Elite Malaysia International 2013
- Cash of RM3,000.00
- Sponsorship prizes
Total worth RM35,000.00
Prize for 1st Runner Up : Mrs Malaysia Planet & Mrs Elite Malaysia International 2013
- Cash of RM2,000.00
- Sash, Crown and Trophy
- Sponsorship prizes
Total worth RM30,000.00
Prize for 2nd Runner Up: Mrs Malaysia Planet & Mrs Elite Malaysia International 2013
- Cash of RM1,000.00
- Sash, Crown and Trophy
- Sponsorship prizes
Total worth RM25,000.00
Bagi tiga pemenang teratas akan bertanding mewakili Malaysia untuk Mrs. Planet International (in Europe) & Mrs. South East Asia (in SE Asia).

DATE : 18.04.2013
VENUE : Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel

DATE : 21.04.2013
VENUE : South City Plaza
21 April 2013 - Telah berlangsung pusingan separuh akhir Mrs.Malaysia Planet & Mrs.Elite Malaysia 2013 di South City Plaza. Dimana seramai 18 orang peserta akan bertanding di pusingan akhir pada 18 Mei 2013 nanti di Palace Of The Golden Horses Hotel. Pusingan separuh akhir ini berlangsung dari jam 2 petang. Para peserta telah di beri tugas untuk membuat persembahan masing-masing seperti tarian, nyanyian, tai chi dan aerobik. Peserta juga telah membuat fashion show bertemakan "evening dress". Peserta dinilai oleh juri-juri yang dijemput khas yang di ketuai oleh Datin Maylene. Setiap peserta mempunyai kelebihan masing-masing.

Name : Angela Fong
Age : 29
Location : Sabah

Name : Gan Chwee Yng
Age : 36
Location : Selangor

Name : Sumi Teh
Age : 39
Location : Penang

Name : Jess Chong
Age : 36
Location : Perak

Name : Michelle Peu
Age : 34
Location : Perak

Name : Dr. May Heong
Age : 37
Location : Selangor

Name : Sunithra
Age : 37
Location : N. Sembilan

Name : Irene Lim
Age : 31
Location : N. Sembilan

Name : Gin Lim
Age : 38
Location : Penang

Name : Chong Juling
Age : 35
Location : Penang Thank you for reading our posts. Our team media coverage touches mostly on lifestyle events and focuses on happening scenes in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. Invite us for food reviews, travel and hotel reviews, KL clubbing reviews and product launches. Our other interests include the movies, technology and photography. Subscribe to my facebook page. Contact us via my email at: [email protected] or [email protected]