Private Yoga Classes of Angeline & Monica in Kota Kinabalu

Since we are still receiving many emails request for Private Yoga Session and inquiry about the charges, I'll published a post here. Our Private Yoga Class allows you to get a more personalized experience, taking your yoga practice to a deeper level. You can book a private class either as an individual or with your own small group (maximum 6 people). Private yoga class is designed specifically for you, taking into consideration your body type, fitness level, stress level, and your personal health goals. It is the most effective and the fastest way to reach your goals.

Whether your goal is to release stress, lose weight or just need to energize up, Yoga is the answer for you with the benefit below:
*Have Fun, helps you relax and relieve stress
*Helps lose weight and maintain weight permanently
*Helps you focus, boost your energy level and balance up your lifestyle
*Improve flexibility and tone up you body
*Relieve back pain and cure disease
Everyone can do Yoga, our classes are designed for beginners to experienced yoga students. Your age, flexibility or past experience doesn't matter....all you need to do...get started now!!!

Private Classes Fees - from RM200-RM400 per session of 90mins - 120mins (One on One training or Maximum of 6 people) *Charges are taking into consideration base on location or venue*

Hire me for 1 whole month with the maximum of 20 Yoga sessions, Charges: RM3500

Hire me for 1 whole month with the maximum of 40 Yoga sessions, Charges RM5000

Special request of 2 Yoga Teacher in 1 session, Charges: RM350-RM500 (depends on location)
*Charges for Tremor Yoga/ Vibration Stretch per session (90-120mins), RM500

For more affordable option, join the gym ALL FIT @ BLUE SEVEN PENAMPANG, Tel: 088-701 828. Angeline & Monica Yoga's Classes are available at ALL FIT

My younger sister "Monica" ( above: seated split)
Power Yoga, Flow Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yogalates, Tremor Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Detox Yoga, Fat Burning Yoga and Pilates
If you're interested email us your contact or message me on facebook.
email address: [email protected] or [email protected]
email address: [email protected] or [email protected]


United for Infinity Stretch
Living Life Fully

Join us
Tel: 088-701 828.
Angeline & Monica Yoga's Classes
are available at ALL FIT

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