Screening Marvel's The Avengers at e@Curve

A free movie ticket "Marvel's The Avenger" at Cathay Cineplex e@Curve sponsored by myiMart Sdn. Bhd. ( The most anticipated movie of the year has finally landed on the silver screen. And why does this movie generate so much huha's you ask? Well maybe its because of those years of staying back in the cinema after the credit roles, watching snippets of 3 different movies, just to piece together of what is to come. It is also the excitement of seeing characters from different movies crossing-over into one picture, that stirs a unique feeling that cannot be experienced in other movies. For the more geeky-ones, another movie to bash in back-room chat, on how the silver screen always messes up the 'original' characters and story line.

If you don't already know, I'm talking about The Avengers, an ensemble of super heroes , a loose-coalition of prima-donnas , a group of remarkable men and women, joining forces to defend the earth against a force, hell-bent on universe domination. If you've been living under a stone for the past 5 years, this movie combines the characters of 4 different movies, hence the excitement surrounding its release is understandable. Of course it helps that there has been a lot of promotional hype prior its release.
Fret not if you've not watched any of the 4 movies mentioned earlier, and have never picked up a Stan Lee comic book before in your whole life. As the movie gradually brings viewers up to speed on the events leading up to the present climax. But this also serves as the archilles heel for the movie. The movie fail to accelerate nicely off the starting grid, to the point that it is draggy. Funny scenes were there for good laughs but a pointless piece of nagging puzzle nonetheless. But then again its a tricky road of newbies mixed with Fan boys in the same room, with that in mind, and in my opinion, there are no better maneuvering techniques than those applied by this Director (Joss Wedhon).
As mentioned earlier, the movie created quite a buzz with all the promotional hype and commercial tie-ins. And this is usually not always a good thing (think John Carter). But this is where The Avengers prevail where others have flopped. It had the right combination of stellar actors and actresses, a thick story line,( to Stan Lee whom we have to thank of course, with over 500 story line dedicated to just the Avengers, spanning over almost 5 decades), good cinematography, believable special effects, and a musical score that captures the emotion pertaining to each scene.

And emotions are guaranteed to be played like a roller coaster in this movie. Humans being conquered and enslaved by a power-hungry deranged 2nd borne prince, is certainly not a movie for the laughs. But there are funny scenes here and there to bring the audiences to a chuckle. So you can be rest assured that its not an emo movie like the Incredible Hulk and (...ooh we're so gonna loose a lot of readers) er..twilight. Fight scenes will gather laughter and loud cheers against a backdrop of crushing buildings and injured people. Wait, what? Laughter you said. Warring set against a backdrop of modern day US city, will certainly create collateral damage. And this where the use of comedic scenes tend to be overused to the point where it overwhelms the tragedy of what is really happening to the human race.

Fight scenes aren't as clean so do expect 'headache moments' to look away from the screen, as you really don't know who is fighting who and who is winning. The battle themselves are pretty epic and this is where the movie does live up to its hype. Casual movie goers will find themselves wearing The Avengers t-shirt the next day as the battle scenes does create a spirit of comraderie, united against the fight for humanity. A tragedy where alien will take over the earth, hm..a tad bit overused? We think so too. For a standalone movie, the battle scene (although epic) seems all too familiar perhaps at no fault of the movie itself, but due to the close proximity release of movies of the same genre (think Dark of the Moon, and a more recent Battleship). But calm down Fan Boys! for I am going to set the record straight here. For the uninitiated, the graphic novel (comic book in layman terms) from which this fine movie is adapted from started in September 1963, so yeah, Mr. Stan Lee was arguable the first guy to conjure such epic battle scene. Avengers DOES NOT COPY from other movies, its the other way around.
And like so many other Stan Lee adaptation movies, be alert and on the look out for the Man himself, as he will make a split second cameo. Reward yourself by nudging your friends whilst pointing at the screen when you've detected him.

Is this movie worth a second watch, well the scenes are cool, but its single-liners can be annoying at times, that coupled with draggy opening can be a deterrent for me to sit it through in a crowded cinema. But then again, a dvd/blue ray with all its deleted scene (all extra 1 hours of them) is certainly one for the collection. And will I watch the coming episodes of The Avengers? You can bet 10 dollars that I'll be first in line.

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I am Angeline (Yoga teacher, photographer and blogger). Thank you for reading my posts. My media coverage touches mostly on lifestyle events and focuses on happening scenes in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. I also write food reviews, travel and hotel reviews, KL clubbing reviews and product launches. My other interests include the movies, technology and photography. Subscribe to my facebook page. Contact me via my email at: [email protected]