Restoran Tokou @ Bundu Tuhan, Ranau

One of the village closest to Kinabalu Park Headquarters is called Bundu Tuhan. On the way to or coming back from Kinabalu Park, you will come across some local restaurants at the roadside of Bundu Tuhan.

Restoran Tokou @ Bundu Tuhan
Located in a valley to the right of the park, the turning to Bundu Tuhan is just before the next corner to Kinabalu Park.
Located in a valley to the right of the park, the turning to Bundu Tuhan is just before the next corner to Kinabalu Park.

Sup Tulang with Rice RM4.00
The price of the food served in Restoran Tokou is slightly cheaper than the price in KK. Sup Tulang (Beef Bone Soup) is one of the popular local dish you can find in the restaurant. This savoury and beefy soup goes well with rice. It is also a perfect meal to keep you warm during a cold, rainy day.

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