Kafe Sinar Baru @ Damai

Kafe Sinar Baru is a 'family-run' restaurant serving simple Asian food at an affordable prices. Easily spotted by the roadside after the roundabout to SMC and located next to Cosway, you can hardly miss the yellow signboard of the restaurant.

Kafe Sinar Baru @ Damai
Jalan Damai, Taman Sinar Baru Off KM 5 Jalan Tuaran,
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Butter Chicken Rice RM5.00
A simple ala-carte dish of Butter Chicken Rice only cost RM5.00 at Kafe Sinar Baru. Decent portion with delicate flavour.

Kampung Fried RIce + Fried Egg RM5.50
The Kampung Fried Rice was fragrantly good with savoury and mild spiciness taste. Simple as it is, the dish only used cooked rice, frozen vegetables, egg and crispy anchovies as main ingredients.

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