Zhong Zai Fan @ 1Borneo Food Court

Zhong Zhai Fan is located at 1Borneo food court, behind Jaws Seafood Restaurant. Price range from RM3.00 onward, you can get a decent serving of meal.

Zhong Zhai Fan
Location: food court, behind Jaws Seafood Restaurant

Steamed Chicken with Salted Fish Rice RM4.00
The Steamed Chicken with Salted Fish Rice served in a small pot was unexpectedly good. Aromatic and deliciously flavoured chicken, goes really well with the steamed rice.

Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup RM3.00
Well, at the price of only RM3.00, you can get a bowl of Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup which is generously loaded with ingredients. This savoury soup consist of strong herbs flavour.

BBQ Chicken Rice RM3.00
The halal version of Char Siu, The BBQ chicken tasted sweet and tasty. Served with flavourful rice, it is a simple yet delicious meal.
