Shia Wong Hip @ Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong

Shared by Gengta Tan

Shia Wong Hip - Snake Soup
170, Ap Liu Street,
ShamShuiPo, Kowloon
(HKR Station A2 Exit Turn Left)
Tel: 23869064/ 27285600

Price for Snake Soup: HKD40/ HKD65/ HKD80/ HKD140

Snake Soup, HKD40
Snake soup is considered a gourmet dish, the meat and the soup at its best when you had it fresh, which means braving the handful of live snake restaurants that only exist in Kowloon. Here, you pluck your favourite python or cobra from behind a cage and watch him slither to the chopping block, with more unusual snakes attracting heavier price tags. The soup comes with the snake shredded inside, although, if you’re braver, you can try sliced snake in a host of other dishes. As it seems with almost all exotic meats, many say it tastes like chicken.

Snake Wine

Snake Skin

Shared by Gengta Tan