Restoran Sempelang @ Sinsuran

Whenever passing by the Filipino market, you'll come across a special seaweed which look like fish eggs. Frankly, I didn’t know what it was until I tried it.

Restoran Sempelang
Location: Corner Shop, easily spotted by the roadside.

Ayam Percik
During the Ramadhan month, Restoran Sempelang offers variety of cooked dishes during Iftar (evening meal). The Ayam Percik is one of the dish you can get from the restaurant. Chicken thigh grilled to perfection coated with sweet and flavoursome peanut sauce. Goes well with rice or to consume on its own.

Curry Chicken with Rice
The curry chicken dish is also available at the serving counter of the restaurant. Goes with rice, it was good.

Fresh Lato Seaweed
The jelly-like Fresh Lato Seaweed tasted a bit salty on its own. Normally, it is to be eaten with sauce. At Restoran Sempelang, variety of sauces are available. We chose the spicy and sweet dark sauce to go with the seaweed. Honestly, I like it!

Sup Tulang
Literally translated as Bone Soup, it is a delicious bowl of beef's broth with steak bone. A dish I enjoyed much whenever I'm craving for beef.

Total Paid = RM16.80 (Including Rice and Water)

Grilled Chicken Wings RM3.00
Another stall available at the restaurant is the Grilled Chicken Wing's stall. Influenced by Filipinos, the Grilled Chicken Wing in Sabah is much more different from those we can get back in KL. The chicken wing here is marinated with a sweet reddish sauce. It tasted flavourful on its own even without any dipping sauce.
