Jaws Seafood Restaurant @ 1Borneo

If you're down at 1Borneo this weekend make sure you try Jaws value meal price from RM8.50++ to RM10.00++ and Crab cook in variety style with the price of RM20.00++. I've tried it...it won't dissapoint you!

Jaws Seafood Restaurant
First Floor, 1 Borneo Hypermall
Jalan Sulaiman, 88400 Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 088-488061/062

Kitchai Ping, RM4.80

Seafood Fried Rice, RM10.00++
Fried rice was covered with the aroma from eggs top with fresh prawn and crab....good!
Fried rice was covered with the aroma from eggs top with fresh prawn and crab....good!

Hokkien Mee with Seafood, RM8.50++
Although they used thin yellow noodle but it still taste good and big portion size too.
Although they used thin yellow noodle but it still taste good and big portion size too.

Kam Heong Crab, RM20.00++
Nicely cooked and coated with Kam Heong spices. Deliciouus but I prefer my favourite sweet and sour or chilli crab cooking style.
