Located at the 1st Floor of Wisma Merdeka, occupying the small corner lot near the washroom, Pak Ka Lok Food Park can be easily notify with its huge crowds. This shop is well-known for its smooth and tasty Hong Kong's Porridge.
Pak Ka Lok Food Park
Location: 1st Floor, Wisma Merdeka
Location: 1st Floor, Wisma Merdeka

Pork and Century Egg Porridge RM5.00
Delicious smooth and silky porridge cooked with pork slices and century egg as ingredients. Served with Chinese cruller and garnished with spring onions and fried onion.

Beef and Century Egg Porridge RM7.00
Instead of Beef with Egg Porridge, you can also opt for a change, Beef and Century Egg Porridge. The century egg brings a nice flavour to the porridge while the beef slices is delicious and tender.

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