If you're dining alone, afraid not as City Vegetarian also serve very good single meal. Apart from fried rice and fried noodle, you can also opt for single dish with rice at a reasonable price.
Location: Same row with Pizza Hut

Assam Fish with Rice RM6.50
Delicious, sourish, creamy with mild spiciness Assam Fish cooked with ladyfingers, pineapple, brinjal, tomato and chili, served with steamed rice. The mock fish is made from beancurd and seaweed which created a 'fish-like' texture and taste.

Stir-fried Beancurd and Bittergourd with Rice RM6.50
A simple and balanced meal which consists of protein, fibers and carbohydrates. It is a light and tasty meal.

Total Paid = RM13.40 (including drinks)

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