MiM Restoran @ Menggatal

When come to cheap food in Malaysia, 'mamak' is a place that will be highly recommended to the budget eaters. Available in almost every neighbourhood, mamak stalls caters for a wide scale of people in Malaysia.

MiM Restoran
Location: Next to CKS Menggatal
Food: 3.8/5
Service: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5

Nasi Goreng Ayam + Telur Mata Goreng
MiM Restoran is located at Taman Permai, next to CKS Hypermarket. Caters mostly for the residents at that area, the prices of the food are cheap.
Personally, both Jack and I likes the Nasi Goreng served at MiM Restoran. Savour with wok taste, the rice was fried with simple ingredients; vegetables, egg and chicken, but tasted flavourful and tasty. With an add-on of Sunny side-up, the dish look more presentable and tasted more delicious.

Maggi Goreng
Simple as it is, the plain Maggi Goreng is one of Malaysian's favourite food in a mamak. The savoury taste of the noodle was simply delicious.

Roti Kosong

Total Paid = RM10.20
