Green Meadow @ SS2 Petaling Jaya

For more than 6 years, we have remained true to our philosophy to serve healthy, wholesome, nutritious, complete and well-balanced cuisines. Our range of foods and drinks is a unique collaboration of the best in Eastern and Western Nutritional Science, using original recipes created by our panel of nutritionists, international dietary... experts and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners

Green Meadow
62-62C, Jalan SS2/67
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Hours Tues - Sun: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Ground Floor: Juve Wellness Centre- Organic products for sale, Nutrition Consultation
1st Floor: Green Meadow Organic Health Cafe
2nd Floor: RPA Holistic Wellness and Beauty Academy and Beauty Salon
Phone +603 78730366, +603 78730360

Live Organic
" You may want to go organic, but it may also seem overwhelming. Start with the small things that fit into your daily routine, and remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing because you feel overwhelmed.Our own small steps, taken as individuals, join us together with others all over the world - towards an organic sustainable future." by Lynn Huggins-Cooper

What's on our Menu

3-colour Pickle 三色泡菜
Rainbow Salad+Pineapple Sauce 彩虹沙拉+自制黄梨酱
Brown Rice Bean Pouch 糙米布袋饭

Healthy Dessert

Pasta with Pesto sauce

Rainbow Salad+Pineapple Sauce 彩虹沙拉+自制黄梨酱
Brown Rice Bean Pouch 糙米布袋饭

Healthy Dessert

Pasta with Pesto sauce

Salad 沙拉
Kombu Pickle 昆布泡菜
Baiyeh Tofu with Miso Sauce 味增百页豆腐
Japanese Style Nutritious Rice 日式营养糙米碳饭

Kombu Pickle 昆布泡菜
Baiyeh Tofu with Miso Sauce 味增百页豆腐
Japanese Style Nutritious Rice 日式营养糙米碳饭

Pickle 泡菜
5-element veggies五行蔬菜
Fried Fermented black bean with bitter gourd发酵豆豉清炒苦瓜
Chinese barley charcoal brown rice薏仁糙米饭

5-element veggies五行蔬菜
Fried Fermented black bean with bitter gourd发酵豆豉清炒苦瓜
Chinese barley charcoal brown rice薏仁糙米饭

Salad 沙拉
Stir Fried Spicy Brinjal with Bean Pouch 豆卜辣茄子
Chayote with wolfberries 枸杞佛手瓜
Raisin Charcoal Brown Rice 葡萄干糙米碳饭

Salad 沙拉
Stir Fried Spicy Brinjal with Bean Pouch 豆卜辣茄子
Chayote with wolfberries 枸杞佛手瓜
Raisin Charcoal Brown Rice 葡萄干糙米碳饭

Pickles 泡菜
Veggies & Fruit Salad 蔬果沙拉
Homemade Salad Dressing 自制沙拉酱
Regimen Vegetarian Dumpling 养生粽子

Veggies & Fruit Salad 蔬果沙拉
Homemade Salad Dressing 自制沙拉酱
Regimen Vegetarian Dumpling 养生粽子

今日糖水:腐竹薏米 Tong Shui of the Day: Fu Chuk Barley

Oriental Salad

Saturday Tong Sui: Green Papaya and White Fungus

Pumpkin Pickle 南瓜泡菜
Salad 沙拉
Appetizing Soup 开胃汤
Enoki black fungus glass nodles 金针黑木耳拌粉丝
Soybean Charcoal Brown Rice 黄豆糙米碳饭

Nutritious Sandwich - with cucumber, tomato and sengkuang slices. Sandwich spread: Homemade tofu mayonnaise+muesli and Pumpkin floss 酱料:豆腐美乃兹+谷类 and 南瓜丝 Potato Salad with Pesto sauce 贝斯托酱马铃薯沙拉

Green Meadow
31 days Set Meal
