Contributed by My Favourite Taste

Xian Ding Wei鲜定味
G360, Ground Floor,
One Utama.
Tel: 03-7725 3822

Xian Ding Wei, the Taiwanese Tea Room has more and more branches nowadays. My friend NFT recommended this restaurant and we visited one of the branches when we dropped by One Utama. I like the design of the interior, very tidy and cozy. What To Eat?

Special Chili Sauce but not really suit my taste

NFT recommended the Mixed Fruit Tea that can be shared by both of us. The taste is quite nice and special.

Mixed Fruit Tea(Cold)@RM5.90

Sweet Potato Ball台湾地瓜球 @RM5.90
There was a must order item for NFT – Sweet Potato Ball~! It is really very nice and good to chew. It may look like a ping pong ball but it soon turns ‘kemek’ when you put it into your mouth.

Taiwanese Supreme Chicken in 3 varieties of Sauces 正宗台湾三杯鸡@RM18.90 Again, I ordered Taiwanese Supreme Chicken in 3 varieties of Sauces (三杯鸡) because I think that it is the signature dish for Taiwanese.

It didn’t disappoint me. The fragrant of the food impressed me when it was served. The chicken was well cooked; the meat was soft and good in taste. Thumbs up~!

Fried Pork Chop With Wine Set红槽炸猪排套餐@RM18.90
NFT chose another tasty dish too – Fried Pork Chop With Wine Set. The pork chop was crispy and I like its minced meat rice. =)

Each set comes along with this appetizer.

The leftover fruits in our drinks.
A nice restaurant with good quality of food, you shall give it a try if you like Taiwanese food.

Contributed by My Favourite Taste or
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