More N Tasty Restaurant
Location: Next to Grace One FOS
Food: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Visit reviewed: 19/07/10
It was rainy day, we were lazy to travel around and search for food. When we saw the new restaurant at Lintas, we just dropped by for food.
Steamboat for 2 Adult (RM46), Chinese Tea (RM1), KitChai Cold (RM3) and Service Charge (RM2.50). Total paid, RM52.50
Since it was rainy day and the weather is cold, it is good to have Steamboat.
As I was too hungry, I also took some cooked food to eat while waiting for the Steamboat to be ready.
Mee Goreng, Koay Teow Goreng and Meehoon Goreng
The Fried Noodle tasted not bad.
Kit Chai Drink
The restaurant is quite clean and the service was quite good.
The selection of food available also not bad.

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