Food: 4.5/5
Services: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Visit reviewed: 12/06/2010
Saturday, I make a move home from work and reach home at 8:30pm, called mum earlier asking her not to cook. I prefer to eat out on weekend cause I've been satying in the office doing paper work, getting very stress up locking myself in the room for whole day and Joyce was off on weekend, there's no one there to kill my boredom. I pick up mum and go for dinner, mum suggested I try this famous noodle stall. Although it was a late dinner but this place were crowded, I guess supper for them. I'm lucky to get a table with shade cause a few minutes after we seated down, it start to rain. I am always bless by God...Thank you God for leading me the right direction through out my journey of life :-) I'll do good!
Wat Tan Yin Yong (Kuey Teow and Mee Hoon)
Wow! This is the best I had so far, the gavy was extremely good, mee hon are deep fried and never turn soft even it was soaked in gravy, savoury wok flavor, big portion and lots of ingredient. I only manage to have a few bite, mum polished up this whole plate to like it so much, call her friend immediately to introduce them to eat here and order this!
Loh Mee
This is my favourite but hard to find a good one. Yummmm... they really can cook noodle dishes well, maybe with a dope of fried pork lard make it taste better, I love the gravy, adding in a big spoon of dark vinegar sauce make it taste more appertising, noodle was smooth not over cook, I clean up the bowl.
Stir-fried Yau Mak with Garlic
My dinner must have green, I am a vegetable lover, good fiber source. After our satisfying meal, we also tapau (take away) fried Hokkien Mee for my brother, we never forget to share good things with family.
Total bill including drinks and tapau, RM24.90

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