Food: 4/5
Services: 3/5
Cleanliness: 4/5
Visit reviewed: 19/05/2010
Today I lunched with Joyce at Home Cafe, both of us also like to eat sandwiches more than rice, so she suggested me here. We enjoy the food here, affordable. We were not very relaxing, cause a lot of mess have to be clear soon in the office, mostly paperwork and computer data, to keep the gym in smooth operation. We try not to think about it, then I started to talk about exercise, we were quite happy talking about yoga and cycling. After lunch, time to head back to the office and work.
Beef Bacon Sandwich, RM6.50
Joyce opt. for less butter and mayo, beef bacon was a bit burned, fries-refried, taste wise ok, she polish up everything.Ham and Egg Toasted Sandwich + Coffee (Set D), RM8.90
I opt. for no mayonise and butter, don't like milk product. Everything was perfectly done, nicely presented, my only complain was the fries-not fresh-refried.Today's Meditation:
Just because your voice reaches halfway around
the world doesn't mean you are wiser than
when it reached only to the end of the bar.
Edward R. Murrow
Bigger is not always better. Having better clothes or a better car doesn't make us better people. Having a whole world of information at our fingertips doesn't make us any wiser at all, it just means that we have access to more information than people used to have access to.
Many of us mistake this information as wisdom. To be wise, though, we can't just know things, we have to understand them, and understand the principles behind them. If we're going to be wise, we can't just share facts and figures, we have to share why's and how's. We must reach a deeper understanding of most things and then share that understanding with others, or else our wisdom will be for naught.
Wisdom isn't using big words, most wisdom is breathtaking in its simplicity. Wisdom isn't having the answer for everything, it's often wiser to allow someone else to find his or her own answers to a problem or dilemma than it can be to solve their problems for them.
These days we're tempted to feel wise because we know more, but quantity doesn't mean quality. What we share can reach much farther through the Internet and the phone lines, but distance doesn't mean as much as depth.
To have lived long does not necessarily imply the gathering of much wisdom and experience. One who has pedaled twenty-five thousand miles on a stationary bicycle has not circled the globe. He or she has only garnered weariness.
Paul Eldridge

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