we decided to just chill out with Rum and jalan-jalan cari makan in KL for 2 nights.
So by special request, Rum took us to Carl's Jr in Sunway :)
Carl's Jr. has been added to our favourite must-eat-list.
As what John and Lim said, it IS big!
Bigger than Burger King!
I on the other hand added... SINFUL.. *hrmmm~~~~ ^_^*

Add another RM3 or RM5, I can buy 1 juicy burger in Chili's.
But both of them have their own specialty :)

But we ate it anyway XD

More protein, less carbs ^_^
But I was on holiday.
So i was excused..
Mahahahaha XD
After dinner, BB, Serena and Mars bought some new T-Shirts at the Urban Tee shop

Sunway brought back lots of memories,
and it had become so much bigger and more beautiful since the last time I been there.
Back then, the phase 2 was still under construction.
Oh! I also met Faizul and Puteri.
We used to study in the same Uni :)
We were like..
"Hey~~" or "Eii???!!!"
or.. "How are you? Where did you work?"
Bla bla bla...
After the 'Q&A' session, I STILL couldn't remember their names till I forgot to introduce BB, which he had to it on his own! XD
Wth.. so malu. Haha.
I recognise faces...
but I'm VERY bad with names.
That explains why I am not fit to work in the Government Sector where you have to remember SO many names.
But let's call it equal.
He didn't remember my name either.
I only later found out his name from Aleen after describing him in DETAIL.
Anyways, I was VERY disappointed coz i didn't get to buy the Durian Pancake at My Honeymoon Dessert House I've been wanting to try.
The shop packed up everything at 9.15pm and they didn't allow me to make any purchases.
It's not that I'm super sad coz there's no tomorrow..
but it's just so mafan for me to go back to Sunway after moving in to Tunes Hotel later.
Plus, it's so darn far/expensive from KL area.
Those who know me, they'll know so well that I'll muncung mulut setengah inci till the next day if i don't get what i want.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to food! >;(
If you're a constant visitor to Fook Yuen, KK, you'll know that they too served durian and mango pancake before but stopped their production *which I don't know why and got me so frustrated! ish! =_=*

From my last trip with BB, we learned one important lesson.
So we only ordered few dishes to try, and share.
One of the benefit is, you won't feel toooo full and you get to try different dishes ^_^

We were SO surprised when he settled the expensive bill.
*Wah... i still feel a bit guilty*

other than books, there's nothing much I wanted to shop.
Or so I thought.. =P
Look what I got? XD

BB was the one who pointed it out to me.
I was so contemplated at first between the pink/blue edition as well as the limited edition in white, which cost around RM350. *It's VERY hard to choose I tell you*

For those of you who owned a DSLR... shooh! Go away.
I don't need your expensive comments =P
But i do need advice on where i can buy good but affordable polaroid film for it though *heh =P*
I also bought a keychain bun for Nadia at the same shop (Action City)...

You can't imagine how SUPER excited I was when we saw them selling Durian Pancakes!!!!!!!!
And best of all, it tasted SO DELICIOUS!!!
Just like how i usually had it before, this durian pancake have strands of delicious and fresh durian flesh and a light whipped cream wrapped with a yellow and tasteless skin.
OMG!!! I'm gonna dieeeee XD XD XD
I can still remember every taste of it.
You have got to try this!

BB also tried Ice cream at Gelatissimo next to the stall.

Cupcake chic cost RM4.50 each.
It has specific flavours on different days, so you might want to check out their website to know more details/weekdays offer.

Delectable by Su is a designer cupcake.

BUT it cost RM28 for 3 pcs!!!!!
Yes. RM9/pc.
Crazy or what?
With that price, Delectable are offering 1 3D design and 2 flat design.
But I wanted TWO 3D design coz the teddy bear and the sheep looks so freaking cute :(
So i made a lame excuse and a sad face saying that I'm from Sabah.
Stupid right?
But what do you know?
They actually offered me 2 3D design and 1 flat design.
So I picked the Teddy Bear for Chocolate flavour, the Sheep for Vanilla flavour and the Carrot for Peanut Butter flavour.

If you're a person like me, I'm loving it XD
But only once in awhile.
You should try the chocolate peanut butter flavour.
It's fantastic.
And if cupcake is not your thing, you can also try their best selling dessert called 7 Sins of Chocolate at RM12.
sinful alright.
So dark chocolaty rich!
MM-mmpP~~~ *slurp*

It cost me RM5/pc, and to be honest, I actually like it more than Delectable and Cupcake chic.
The butter cream frosting is just nice.
Not too sweet and the texture is not too soft either.
It's just perfect for my taste bud.

1) Bisou Cupcake
2) Cupcake Chic
3) Delectable
There's more creative / designer's cupcake out there, but i have to save it for another day.
*plus, i over-splurged on food during this trip hehe*
We also watched How To Train Your Dragon for the second time in 3D @ GSC.

While Mars and Serena went to meet their online gaming friend, BB, Rina, Rum and I had our dinner at Sushi Zanmai @ The Gardens.

Not only that they are serving quality and big portion food,
the price is reasonable and cheaper or at least the same to Sushi King!

Looking at all the food makes me miss my food hunting.
The next day, we left KL for shouting roller coaster baby!
Which will come in my next post ^_^

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