Location: Same row of shop with 5 Star Hainanese Chicken Rice and Hong Leong Bank
Food: 4/5
Service: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Visit reviewed: 8/04/2010
Claypot Chicken Rice RM4.50
It was well-known that Yee Fung serves good Claypot Chicken Rice in KK town. The Claypot Chicken Rice tasted really good. With an additional egg they added to the Claypot rice, the rice tasted more flavourful and fragrantly good.It comes with egg, chicken, mushroom and salted fish. The burning rice that stick to the claypot was the most enjoyable part while eating Claypot Chicken Rice. Not healthy, but I love it.
Another signature dish of Yee Fung is the Kuching Laksa. You can tell by looking at the crowds.
Kuching Laksa RM4
The Kuching Laksa was very milky with strong coconut milk taste and mild spices taste. It was not bad but not great though. I preferred stronger spices taste when eating laksa and not too milky. However, it was really cheap as at RM4, it comes with prawns, shredded chicken and tauhu.
Total Bill including 2 X 100Plus = RM11.70
Since we were at Gaya Street which is usually very hard to find parking space, we took the advantage to blogged about Fong Ip too. Fong Ip
Location: Opposite Guardian Shop
Food: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Kaya Puff and Tausa Cake, Rm2.60
Since we were quite full, we ordered some take-away and just have a Bubur Chacha at the shop. Bubur Chacha RM1.80
The Bubur Chacha taste was so-so. The Kaya Puff and the Tausa Cake tasted pretty average. Nothing to shout home about.Fried Meehoon + Beancurd, RM3.40
The Fried Meehoon tasted okay and the Beancurd was nice. Economy meal for tea-time.
Same as Fook Yuen, they serves bread and a variety of food. Anchor butter are use for their Roti Kahwin.
Same as Fook Yuen, they serves bread and a variety of food. Anchor butter are use for their Roti Kahwin.
The shop setting are quite comfortable and it is a WIFI zone.
After our breakfast, we went to 1Borneo. Thinking of helping Paul and Shirley to find the old school chair that they wanted, we went to China Town to looked for it. However, we couldn't find it but instead we found a new shaved ice stall near the China Town.Charmy
Food: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Charmy is a franchise food from Taiwan. Their shaved ice was very special and it comes with different flavours and toppings. We ordered a Mango Shaved Ice to try and below were the photo we managed to snapped while they prepare the shaved ice.
It cost RM6.00. Taste wise, it was good. Didn't regretted ordering it. It wasn't very sweet and rich in mango taste. The Hawaii Mango topping was fresh and sweet. Refreshing and less fattening.
Today's Meditation:
Simply give others a bit of yourself:
a thoughtful act, a helpful idea,
a word of appreciation,
a lift over a rough spot,
a sense of understanding, a timely suggestion.
You take something out of your mind,
garnished in kindness out of your heart,
and put it into the other person's mind and heart.
a thoughtful act, a helpful idea,
a word of appreciation,
a lift over a rough spot,
a sense of understanding, a timely suggestion.
You take something out of your mind,
garnished in kindness out of your heart,
and put it into the other person's mind and heart.
Charles H. Burr
Imagine this: there is a great need to be filled, so everyone in the country is asked to contribute ten cents to the cause. One by one, all 300 million people in the line up to toss a ten cents into the pile, and everyone contributes within a few days. Can you imagine the size of that pile? Just from the seemingly insignificant contribution of ten cents each, the people of this country would raise $30 million.
If this ever were to happen, we'd have a huge pile of dimes to serve as visual evidence of people's generosity. And their generosity certainly wasn't excessive, after all, giving ten cents certainly didn't put anyone out.
Now think of our contributions to the peace and love and kindness of the world. Imagine these qualities as being physical, perhaps in the form of a beautiful green cloud in the sky. This cloud grows the tiniest of bits every time we give something of ourselves to someone else, every time we lift someone else up with encouragement or a word of thanks. The cloud diminishes each time we act in selfishness and hurt someone else.
If we had the visual confirmation of our actions, wouldn't it be much easier to make kindness and love the most important part of our lives? Wouldn't we be sure to treat others very well if we actually saw results of our own actions? We may not have a cloud that grows and shrinks depending on our actions, but we do have a spirit, and we do know how that spirit feels. It can be invigorated or it can be down in the dumps without any real energy, and much of its feelings have to do with our actions. Imagine it as a cloud that others can see, that reflects what we give to the world. Wouldn't you want it to grow and be beautiful as a reflection of the way that you treat the people in this world?
Giving is the secret of a healthy life.
Not necessarily money,
but whatever a person has of encouragement
and sympathy and understanding.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

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