G823, Ground Floor, 1Borneo, Jalan Sulaiman,
884500 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Tel: 088-488833
Fax: 088-448393
Food: 3/5
Services: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Visit reviewed: 28/03/2010
Sorry..sorry, boring right! I know, always bring you back to this restaurant and it's not exceptional great. Well, as I said, I am not that fussy over food, most of the time I'm just like the norm. KK people go back to the same restaurant for years, and I can eat the same dishes for 1 whole year and still find it good, then I'll search for some new flavour or taste of food and eat the same thing for a period of time. I need to explore more now, search for every corner that there're food available, don't care it's good or not, just give it a go then blog about it, hopefully I'l never run out of place to go, tired of searching but it was fun sometimes, you never knew what you'll discover if you never try, never regret and never give up the thing that you have started...Ooops gone to far out of the conversation, back to food..back to food blogging. Ok, I eat here beacuse it's convenient and today I'm just going for the ala-carte meal, cheaper and faster. The Grilled Chicken Wing/Egg Rice below, not really grilled instead it was deep fried, quite oily, but taste wise it's to my liking, just right and satisfying meal for me and my sister. Total paid for dinner tonight, RM39.60
Grilled Chicken Wing/Egg Rice, RM9.80
2 x Soup of the day, RM4.00 (each)
Seafood Braised Noodle, RM10.80
Green Apple Ice Blended, RM5.50
Grass Jelly with Lychee, RM5.50

=) chicken wing rice..my favorite..
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