Lu Rou Fan (Big) NT$59
Lu Rou Fan is one of the must-have dish if you happen to be in Taiwan, same goes to Formosa Chang. The stewed pork was deliciously good with porky taste and pork lard. Eaten together with rice, it was fragrantly good and doesn't tasted greasy at all.
Local Vegetables NT$40
Their local vegetables was quite special. Something that we couldn't find in Malaysia. It was good. Green vegetables is always good to balance up our diets.
Stewed Pork (Lean Meat) NT$85
The Stewed Pork was flavourful. We ordered the lean meat because it was less fattening, saving our quota for other food.
Si Shen Tang NT$50
Another dish that was listed in our must-have list was the Si Shen Tang. It was quite similar with our local Bak Kut Teh. The soup had a strong herbs (Dang Gui) taste and it was fragrantly good. The pork intestine was well cooked with no unpleasant porky taste.
Bittergourd Soup NT$65
The Bittergourd Soup used local bittergourd and pork to boiled. It wasn't really bitter and tasted good.
Pork Ball Soup NT$35
The Pork Ball was springy and porky. Love it! The soup was sweet and savoury.
We bought a Ba Chang(Glutinous Rice Dumpling) for takeaway
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