2012 - Movie Review

Roland Emmerich, after his success of directing apocalyptic themed movies, such as Independence Day (1996) and The day after tomorrow (2004), once again showed his brilliance in the movie “2012”.

The movie greets its audience with a scene showing that there is something amiss about our frail planet. From then on, we follow character of Adrian, a scientist bent on saving the entire citizen of the US from total annihilation. Our attention is then brought to our main Hero – Jackson, played by the talented John Cusack, whose career as a struggling book writer, ended up ruining his marriage and subsequently his relationship with his 2 children. He brings his children to Yellowstone national park for a good weekend camp, but we the audience know too well that eminent danger is just lurking down the corner.
Unlike past apocalyptic movies, here, the human race had a buffer of a time to create a massive survival plan which was secretly undertaken in the highlands of China, an added twist is wedged in when Adrian discovered that the time cushion they had before total destruction is cut short, thus obliging a less than civilized execution of the mentioned escape plan, this is where the movie picks up in tempo. Viewers are constantly put at the edge of their seat, literally! As each scene is painted with a near-miss, narrow escape, and almost there-but not quite picture.

The movie also cleverly connects a variety of characters (even a wacko doomsday cult radio DJ joins in the fray), while maintaining a somewhat rich parallel development for each. Viewers will be whisked away by all emotions – fear, endurance, love, compassion, regrets and even greed, portrayed by each character of the movie, when faced with the prospect of eternal doom.
This movie is definitely a must watch: Stop your farmtown, cafeworld, or fishville madness, and go watch the movie!!!
This movie is definitely a must watch: Stop your farmtown, cafeworld, or fishville madness, and go watch the movie!!!
If all apocalypse movies were a dish, then Mr. Emmerich’s is like - buttered lobster prepared by Chef Ferran Adria served to you at El Bulli, by none other than Angelina Jolie – Exquisite, tantalizing and beautifully executed.