In this blog I will be sharing all my passion of life in Health & Fitness knowledges, informations and experiences with you, so you'll be able to enjoy food but still stay fit, slim and healthy.

Health & Fitness in Gym Instruction, Olympic Weight Lifting, Advanced Resistance & Circuit Technique, Nutrition Principles & for Performance, Functional of Anatomy, Performance Evaluation, Aqua Fitness Technique, Workplace Safety and Health, Client and Customer Service, Adv Computer Operation
Premier Training International United Kingdom - Nottingham '04
Sport Massage Therapy
Hatha Yoga and Therapeutic Yoga

Everyday Food I Love
Sabah, Kuala Lumpur, Travel Food and Lifestyle Directory
Searching for new eateries around or new terms on food is one of my pleasure hobby. The perks of food blogging would be making new friends along the way and getting positive comments from readers. I strongly believe that my passion for food, health and fitness blogging will continously fueled by all the glorious food and wellness

I started Blogging with this camera: Nokia N95, Canon Ixus 700, Panasonic Lumix DMCTZ7
Yeah! Bought my new Canon 60D DSLR camera today 6th Nov 2010

Nikon D7000 in April 2011

I did my own interior design for my own home, NORTHPOINT RESIDENCE MIDVALLEY CITY and KINGFISHER Kota Kinabalu
Northpoint Residences, Mid Valley City
Kingfisher, Kota Kinabalu
I love indoor cycling or spinning
Benefits of indoor cycling or spinning:

Burns Fat
Dozens of medical studies have been conducted to research the benefits of spinning. During the course of one study, experts found that the average spinner can increase his or her heart rate to 80 percent, which is considered “excellent” when it comes to burning fat. This is especially significant given that the majority of fat burning occurs when a person’s heart rate is at approximately 65 to 75 percent of maximum capacity. Many gyms equip their spinning bikes with heart rate monitors so riders can check their pace and adjust their cycling habits to optimize fat burning. In addition to reducing fat, spinning is also a great way to burn calories. By participating in a 60-minute spinning class, you have the potential to burn upwards of 1,200 calories.
Increases Leg Strength
Cycling utilizes the body’s largest muscle groups: glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. By participating in a spinning class, you are able to target the aforementioned muscle groups and improve blood flow to each. In addition, spinning helps tone your calf muscles and strengthens your tendons, which improves overall leg strength.
Aids Cardiovascular System
Spinning is an ideal exercise to improve your cardiovascular system. Your heart and lungs make up your cardiovascular system, and the fitter you become, the more efficiently they work. Consistent cycling improves blood flow throughout your body and increases the speed by which oxygen is distributed. Over time, spinning will help improve heart and lung performance and increase your overall fitness level.
Improves Posture
In addition to improving your cardiovascular system, spinning also encourages the use of stabilizer muscles found in your trunk, hips and shoulders. Improvement of these muscles helps to enhance body alignment and posture.
Reduces Risk of Injury
Spinning is considered a non-load bearing exercise, which means your body does not have to bear the burden of supporting all your weight throughout your workout. Since the majority of spinning exercises are done while sitting, the pressure is taken off your joints and you reduce your risk of injury. This is something that is not accomplished when participating in other cardio activities such as running.
Miscellaneous Benefits
Other benefits of spinning include:
Not having to worry about poor weather conditions
Not having to purchase expensive workout equipment
Having an instructor on hand to provide extra motivation
Learning in a group environment
Controlling your own aerobic output
Ways to Maximize Spinning Benefits
To maximize the benefits achieved by spinning, consider these five tips:
Adjust your bike according to your height. Set the saddle to your hip level to ensure your knees are not bent or locked straight when peddling.
Choose proper fitting shoes. Experts recommend stiff-soled fitness shoes rather than soft running sneakers. If you find that you enjoy spinning, you might consider investing in special cycling shoes that clip on to the bike’s pedals.
Bring a bottle of water. It’s a good idea to bring a bottle of water to class and take frequent drinks while you ride. Spinning offers a high intensity workout and most participants sweat profusely during class. Having water on hand will help you remain hydrated.
Bring a towel. You will need it to wipe sweat from your body and the bike handles during your workout.
Don’t force yourself. Don't get caught up in the excitement of the class and ride beyond your fitness level. Doing so may cause painful injuries.
My own indoor cycling bike in KK home
Dozens of medical studies have been conducted to research the benefits of spinning. During the course of one study, experts found that the average spinner can increase his or her heart rate to 80 percent, which is considered “excellent” when it comes to burning fat. This is especially significant given that the majority of fat burning occurs when a person’s heart rate is at approximately 65 to 75 percent of maximum capacity. Many gyms equip their spinning bikes with heart rate monitors so riders can check their pace and adjust their cycling habits to optimize fat burning. In addition to reducing fat, spinning is also a great way to burn calories. By participating in a 60-minute spinning class, you have the potential to burn upwards of 1,200 calories.

Cycling utilizes the body’s largest muscle groups: glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. By participating in a spinning class, you are able to target the aforementioned muscle groups and improve blood flow to each. In addition, spinning helps tone your calf muscles and strengthens your tendons, which improves overall leg strength.

Spinning is an ideal exercise to improve your cardiovascular system. Your heart and lungs make up your cardiovascular system, and the fitter you become, the more efficiently they work. Consistent cycling improves blood flow throughout your body and increases the speed by which oxygen is distributed. Over time, spinning will help improve heart and lung performance and increase your overall fitness level.

In addition to improving your cardiovascular system, spinning also encourages the use of stabilizer muscles found in your trunk, hips and shoulders. Improvement of these muscles helps to enhance body alignment and posture.
Spinning is considered a non-load bearing exercise, which means your body does not have to bear the burden of supporting all your weight throughout your workout. Since the majority of spinning exercises are done while sitting, the pressure is taken off your joints and you reduce your risk of injury. This is something that is not accomplished when participating in other cardio activities such as running.

Other benefits of spinning include:
Not having to worry about poor weather conditions
Not having to purchase expensive workout equipment
Having an instructor on hand to provide extra motivation
Learning in a group environment
Controlling your own aerobic output

To maximize the benefits achieved by spinning, consider these five tips:
Adjust your bike according to your height. Set the saddle to your hip level to ensure your knees are not bent or locked straight when peddling.
Choose proper fitting shoes. Experts recommend stiff-soled fitness shoes rather than soft running sneakers. If you find that you enjoy spinning, you might consider investing in special cycling shoes that clip on to the bike’s pedals.
Bring a bottle of water. It’s a good idea to bring a bottle of water to class and take frequent drinks while you ride. Spinning offers a high intensity workout and most participants sweat profusely during class. Having water on hand will help you remain hydrated.
Bring a towel. You will need it to wipe sweat from your body and the bike handles during your workout.
Don’t force yourself. Don't get caught up in the excitement of the class and ride beyond your fitness level. Doing so may cause painful injuries.

Exercise and Eat well, I mean I eat everything, no dieting!
Yoga for flexibility and toning
The exercise in itself is, initially, very easy in that it simply consists on generating a vibrational effect throughout the body, not dissimilar from shaking and trembling and akin to the vibration caused when you yawn and stretch your arms’ muscles. This can be effortlessly obtained by acting on the muscles in the body's trapezoidal, abdominal, and lumbosacral regions, in unison or separately, in so many ways as a practitioner can devise; anyhow, just to give an example: clench you fists and draw your scapulae inward and you will experience a strong vibration taking hold of your torso. The more you pull your muscles, the stronger tension you apply to them, the stronger the resulting vibration. This is not dissimilar from a stretching exercise but for the fact that stretching, by itself, will not generate sustained vibrations unless some other muscular structure is activated, as from the example above: if we just clench our fists we will obtain muscular tension in both arms, but if contemporaneously we pull the scapulae inward (the latter action also expands the chest) a vibration takes hold of the whole torso.
Yoga with the combination of Pilates techniques will get you the body you always wanted. First you have to learn and understand the functions of your core muscles, the activation of your pelvic muscles and how to keep your spine long. It's the fastest way for postural corrections, ease the back pain, toning up you abdominal muscles, strengthening you inner muscles, elongate your outer part of muscles; and getting you a slim and tall body. Login to view more photos http://www.everydayfoodilove.co/2012/06/yoga-photography-royal-malaysia-air.html#more

My recent training for 3 months in KL
Vinyasa Yoga (Teacher: Edwin @ Celebrity Fitness Mid Valley) every Thursday 9:30am
Pilates (Teacher: Evon @ Celebrity Fitness Mid Valley) every Wednesday and Friday 10:40am
Freestyle Cycling or RPM (Various Instructor @ Celebrity Fitness Mid Valley) - daily routine, attended 7 - 12 indoor cycling class per week.
Login to the link below to view my yoga photography at Royal Malaysia Air Force, Sg Besi,Kuala Lumpur taken in April 2012

Eat well, stay fit and be happy! My motto in life ;p
Likewise for myself, gym 4 times a week, morning runs, no food after 7pm, sleep by 1030, up by 6am.
Eat everythin but in controlled portions.
ps: thks for droppin by my blog ;)
Yr blog is great for not many ppl knw of KK as a food haven. Was there last yr, love the cocnut jelly served in the seafood restaurants!
Thank you for your positive comment. Hopefully I can bring you all more good things in the coming future. Just started blogging this month, please do support my blog. Good day! :)
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